It is an ERA rim lock (see photo). Earlier on, the black button that holds the lock open so that it doesn’t automatically lock if the door swings shut, fell off. I noticed that it wouldn’t go back on because the silver thingy (sorry- I’m going to be using technical terms like that a lot) that it attaches to had slipped inside the mechanism. So I took the lock off and removed the back plate so that I could straighten it up again. Normally when I take things apart, I take a photo first so that I can remember where everything went, but this time as soon as I took the plate off, one bit slipped out of place, and when I tried to put it back, a spring popped out, and before I knew it, all the parts had fallen out and I have no idea how to put them back!
Can anyone please walk me through how to put it back together? For ease of understanding, I’m going to name the parts as follows (working from left to right in the photo):
Thingy 1: the large spiral spring
Thingy 2: the small spiral spring
Thingy 3: the large spring with legs
Thingy 4: the little washer
Thingy 5: the roughly L-shaped lump of metal with a hole at one end and a pin at the other
So in theory there should be no more than 5 steps to this and I hope I will be able to lock my back door before long!!
Thankyou thankyou thankyou in advance!