Leaking UPVC Window and Struggling to Find Where it's Coming in
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Leaking UPVC Window and Struggling to Find Where it's Coming in

by Manofmilk » Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:40 am


We have one of our windows leaking in the recent heavy rain but we're struggling to tell where the water is getting in exactly. When it is raining there is no obvious leaking from inside the house, it is only the damage to the plasterwork that shows there is a problem.
You can see that the interior windowsill and plaster is wet in the bottom left corner:

I've wiped clean this channel along the base of the frame, where I've also moved the seal aside for a better view - this was full of water but there doesn't seem to be any drain holes - I'm not sure there should be water here:

But unless this is leaking too I can't see how the water would get from here to that corner.

If I run my finger nail along these lines I can also feel that there is water inside/behind here on the frame:

and there also seems to be water inside the window itself, here:

Of course it might also be the seal that runs around the entire frame on the outside that might be leaking too, I can't see that is damaged but its hard to tell.

Any guidance people can offer before I start making more mess than I can deal with would be much appreciated!



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