by kbrownie »
Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:31 pm
Firstly it looks like backboxes have been replaced?
The sheath of the cable should enter the backbox, which by the pictures it does not! Also the knock-out holes should be grommeted to prevent the cable becoming damaged, by rubbing on sharp edges.
Have pictured both switch points, as they look different.
If so did not consider noting down the cables and terminals on both occasions?
There are a number of ways in which switches can be wired and there are also a number ways that two way switch can be done.
Do you have a means of testing the cables for continuity and voltage, as you have disconnected them now, without identifying there function, testing will be required.
On the set up you have, it looks like you have one where a single red will be supplying a live to the com/L of the one switch, there maybe only one live cable coming into the switch, so for two gangs a link cable across each gangs (com) would be required.
Then I would expect the other reds and blacks to be the switch lines so red in L1 and black in L2
At the second switch, the red that would be expected to be live actually goes directly to the light. So on switch will have common/permanent live and the second switch will have the spare reds going to the lights.
The second switch shows a different combination of core colours, so we need to know if anything else is connected to this conductors?
That is why you need to do continuity tests and then voltage test, using suitable and safe electrical test equipment, Please do not use a neon test screwdriver, they are unreliable and dangerous, a two pole instrument must be used.
The pictures are too clear so a close up of all conductors and a little more info of numbers. colours and if they are paired up in sheaths.