by sparx »
Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:11 pm
Hi, no it's not 'Illegal',
You can in fact still buy & fit B.S.3036 (rewireable) fuse boards such as you have, 'WYLEX' i presume?, even on a new installation, there are however some circuit limitations if done as fuse blowing times much longer than MCB,s trip times so circuit lengths &/or cable sizes must be adjusted to clear a fault within allowed times.
If the make is as above then most wholesalers/Sheds such as Big & Quicks stock replacement plug-in MCB,s to fit as a first 'quick-fix' step.
As for RCD protection, it is a mixed blessing[curse], depending upon the method of earthing in use it may be highly desirable to have on ground floor sockets to protect anyone using extention leads out doors, or maybe just fit RCD sockets on outlets near doors labelled 'FOR EQUIPMENT USED OUTDOORS' which are printed for this purpose!
One could be fitted 'in-the-tails' by sparky but may well show up long-standing N-E faults so be prepared for some 'Extra's' on the bill!!
I rent out a property so I know of 'pit-falls' & if you use agents (I don't)
they may require cert. for their insurence; but my main concern would be earth bonding to main services, gas/water/oil/LPG etc. which given the age of inst. will be less than current standard & may be missing altogether.
Unfortunately NICEIC have there own version of the IET regs. which they seem to encourage their members to use, your man's comment should have been a cat [4] "Does not comply with current BS7671 standards, but
this does not imply the installation is unsafe"
where there any other relevent comments in the box, ref. earth bonding say, or lack of earth sleeving at fittings, or another NICEIC chestnut 'pigtail' fly leads from back boxes, (not a requirement when twin & E wiring used, but a good catch-penny)?
I will admit if I was going out-of-area for a while I would want some of this done first but would find someone locally recommended, not looking for more work, & for an inspection an inspector, ie a NAPIT 'full scope, member. (a bit Biased here but have tried 'em all & now ECA & NAPIT member company)