Some Questions About Renewable Energy Suppliers
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Some Questions About Renewable Energy Suppliers

by TobiasB » Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:07 pm

Hi all, (apologies if this is in the wrong board!)

After reading the various threads in this community for the last couple of weeks, I’ve finally registered as I am really just wanting to talk to members like yourself who are interested in all things renewable, green and sustainable, especially in the UK.

Recently I’ve joined a new start-up in the energy sector so it made sense to me to look around and get a feel for communities that talk about energy and all that entails. Green energy and sustainability is something I’ve always been a fan of, which is why this new job appealed so much to me but I was always (and still am in certain ways) sceptical about the realistic applications in normal life. I can’t tell you much about the company yet as its not a working thing yet so to speak (and I’m not here to advertise it), but what I can tell you is that the company is being set up with all the right ideas and intentions (I think).

Their ideas range from giving everyone more visibility around how green energy is supplied, changing the processes that are in place now to create a better experience and ensuring everyone can access renewable energy without charging more for it. They’re also looking into carbon off-set natural gas, supporting sustainable campaigns from small and large initiatives, and generally see if we can all make a genuine difference in the world.

The idea being that we would really look to involve the customers, or rather members, in everything we do as company. Really allow people to influence how the company is run and what it does and invests time and money in.

I want to make sure the company listens to its members as much as possible, as that’s how a community works in my view. So the pressure is on

Anyway, I was wondering if there are there any things that immediately pop into your head on how you’d want to get involved in a company like that? Any specific things that really bug you around how energy companies work? Or what you’d like to influence in such a company? If you’ll allow, I’d like top pick your brains. What’s wrong with the industry right now? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I have some ideas of my own, and happy to share those with you as well, but would like to get an idea from you if this would be interesting to any of you.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts and am looking forward to getting stuck in here also if you’ll have me .

Cheers for any help or comments!


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