How Should Barge Boards and Box-End Join to Pitched Tiled Roof Above and Masonry Below
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How Should Barge Boards and Box-End Join to Pitched Tiled Roof Above and Masonry Below

by Apteryx » Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:50 pm


We are renovating our house at the moment with me doing as much as I can but a builder leading on most of the technical stuff/new building works. Our builder has constructed a new entrance vestibule for the house with a simple pitched tiled roof. I am concerned that the construction doesn't look like it will be water tight in the future. I will post some pictures below and have tried to describe my concerns here too:

Essentially, between the builder and his roofer they have put ply wood fascia along the front end of the roof and at the box ends but the plastic trim at the edge of the roofing tiles sits directly above the end of this ply wood. The masonry at the 'gable end'(?) will be rendered with wet dash render.

The paint on the ply wood already appears to be bubbling and as far as I can see this construction could easily result in water running down the plastic edge trim into the top of the masonry and/or down into the top (unpainted) edge of the ply and create damp/leaks. There is also a tear in the sarking at the bottom left corner - which seems questionable to me. I wondered if anyone here might be able to tell from my description/photos whether this looks OK or not? I plan to ask my builder but I think he's spun a few stories already during the project so my trust levels are wavering a fair bit.

This is my first-time posting - so hope it's OK to ask this sort of question? Really grateful for any thoughts or advice.
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