Remove or Move Knee Walls in Loft
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Remove or Move Knee Walls in Loft

by lifeofchris » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:22 pm

Im looking to remove/move the knee walls in my roof space. The rafters are notched to allow for the wall, I propose to sister each rafter with either steel or timber, on one or both sides, to allow the space to be freed up.

Is this feasible?

The basic structure is rafters with knee walls and cross beams. The cross beams will be kept, the knee walls removed. End walls are in brick, so I wouldnt expect the roof to be twisting. The buildup of the roof is closed boarding with slate on top, nothing else. the closed boarding will be kept and slate replaced.

Knee walls are not sitting on the joists below, they are being transferred by noggins @600mm centers.

Images show before and after knee wall removal:

Brick walls and chimneys are shown in BLUE
Existing Knee walls to be removed are shown in RED
New knee walls/supports are shown in GREEN

Keen for some advice on this.

Album with photos

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