Hi All,
I have been tearing my hair out trying to resolve this constant hissing(sounds like someone has left a tap on) noise that is coming from my central heating. I can hear this noise in all rooms upstairs. I have recently installed a combi-boiler (replaced a conventional boiler). In order to resolve this issue I have done/checked the following:
- Bled all rads upstairs (have done this a few times)
- Had a look under the floor boards and put my ear to the pipe (no noise at all)
- Reset the boiler
- Turned the water off throughout the house to see if hissing noise stopped
- Turned the central heating off completely
- Turned the central heating for upstairs off
- Have taken a number of TRV's off to see if that made any difference
- Checked the loft but nothing obvious identified
- Put my ear against each rad to see if the noise was coming from them - no luck
- Ensured all Rads upstairs are fully on
- Tried switching all rads off and then switching them back on one by one - no luck
Can anyone recommend anything else I can do to try and stop this noise?