by misternick »
Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:44 am
Thankyou. Changeover would not be a huge problem, as in winter there is not much solar generation. It would be easier to resolve if there were a amps/ kilowatts limit built in as the supplier limits domestics to 4kw (16 panels), though why they need to is beyond me as the incoming cable is capable of carrying 20kw (80 amp main fuse X 240 volts = 19.2 kw, though I guess if your neighbours are all exporting there could be limits upline ) .
My point was that possession of an inverter and grid connection (needed for the solar installation) changes the economics of wind generation as those items would not need to be duplicated if there was enough capacity, certainly true in winter.
We are in a remote location, with an open approach to the south west. I envisaged a small generator 1+ kw on a 20 foot scaffold pole winched up a telegraph pole so about 40 ft overall.