by ericmark »
Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:55 pm
To simply swap a plug is simple enough, however to change voltage is very different, you can get transformers and inverters to change voltage and frequency.
The UK has a number of systems, on building sites often 110 volt is used, this can be split phase 55 - 0 - 55 volt or three phase 64 - 0 - 64 there is no neutral with this system. The transformers are two basic types, proper quality types designed to be static and rated 100% duty cycle, and cheap and nasty yellow plastic box types which are inefficient and not 100% duty cycle designed to be as light as possible and often without proper overload protection designed to be never left unattended. Plugs normally yellow.
The next again single, split, or three phase with 230 volt phase (line) to neutral, between phases either 400 (three phase) or 460 (split phase) volts, this is used both commercial and domestic single phase blue plugs, and three phase red.
Mines and quarries are different with often 600 volt and special plugs.
There is also white and purple plugs with extra low voltage.
Except in aviation the frequency is normally 50 Hz, aviation often 600 Hz However in the USA they have 60 Hz. Although we think of USA at 110 volt it is more like 120 or 130 volt, unlike our system it is normally 120 volt to earth they often use split phase so 120 - 0 - 120 volt so sockets have 120 volt but cooker is 240 volt. They also have some odd systems like the hot wire, when they use a delta secondary on the transformer with a centre tapped earth connection on one winding.
Your 130 volt rings alarm bells to me. So can you identify exactly what you want to do? I will guess you need more than a simple plug change.