Karndean Versilay vs. Battons and Plyboard
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Karndean Versilay vs. Battons and Plyboard

by MDWILSON » Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:18 am

We have just moved into a 1930s property. It has the original wood flooring laid immediately on top of a concrete floor. It does not appear to be resting on any buttons, on top or concrete or submerged in it. There is no DPM between the concrete and wood flooring, unless there was originally some bitumen. The original wood flooring is warped in some rooms, curving up at the sides.

We would like to install Karndean Palio Clic vinyl plank flooring. We have considered three ways of preparing the floor so far:
1. Level the wood flooring by sanding it down.
2. Remove the wood flooring and lay down a DPM, battens and plyboards.
3. Remove the wood flooring and lay down a DPM and Karndean's own Versilay.

I'm interested in hearing people's perspectives - which is going to give us the most stable, durable and insulated floor?

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