Painting Lintel With Masonry Paint and Filling Pock Mark Holes
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Wind Gatherer
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:35 am

Painting Lintel With Masonry Paint and Filling Pock Mark Holes

by Wind Gatherer » Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:39 pm

I bought some green masonry paint for doing the concrete lintels above my windows. They were painted white before and I got almost all off using a wallpaper scraper. On one lintel are a lot of pock marks see photos. I'm wondering, would I be OK to fill them in with cement scrape any excess off with the scraper, perhaps feather round the edges with a wet paint brush, would that work or would it show up once painted green?
On the 1st floor windows I'll have to go up on my double ladder, I have a scaffold tower, so am used to ladders, not putting up tower for this, as dosn't have adjustable height legs, uneven ground at front, so have to block up to keep level and secure, takes ages. Won't be scraping paint off on 1st floor lintel and one next to it, I bought some Peelaway 7 masonry paint removal system to deal with the three lintils I have to reach on the ladder.Seems just brush this stuff on cover with a poultice, once done just scrape it all away.
The lintel I painted today on the ground floor, I couldn't get a small area of paint off I sanded the whole lintel down with 80 grit. When I was putting the green paint on, the white, as expected showed through, I put it on a bit thicker on that, if shows up when dry will put another coat on. If the white area border edge shows up against the fresh green. I could use the Peelaway to remove it and the couple of coats of green, do I need to apply some filler so will be level with the rest of the paint?

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