We have an ancient system, an Ideal Concord Boiler that's been running for at least 20 years. Last week the mains fuse blew and after repairing it twice, as it blew again, the controller no longer worked. The boiler is still lit but there is nothing to control it. I tried changing the fuse in the controller but found this confusing as the fuse is rechargeable and comes with a very low charge. I assumed that it trickle charged when connected to the mains. Anyway, no go. I've tried two different controllers to no effect. The wiring diagram on the latest one matches that on the previous one that worked for years. It's probably obvious that I understand very little about this but what am I missing? I would have thought that the controller/timer sits between the mains and the boiler with no other intervening stages so am I just not fitting the right controller or is there something else that is causing this?
Thanks in adveance for any help.