Hi Everyone,
First post so please be kind :-)
Seeking some advice to change my corrugated roof to a flat felt system. My garage is joined to the neighbours.
Currently the plan is to remove the roofing sheets, add a new lintel over the garage opening, add strengthing battons every 4ft to the roof. Deck out with 18mm exterior plywood and 3 layers of felt with a vapour barrier layer.
A couple of things im not sure about:
Where the flat roof meets the neighbours roofing corrugated sheet, how to go about finishing the edge to ensure there is a waterproof seal? Would it be best to felt over it or use some sort of sealent?
Currently the concrete lintel sits behind the solder bricks, I've uploaded images to show the bricks and existing lintel, would it be best to remove the bricks and replace them with the lintel or sit the lintel behind the bricks?
On the edge of the roof sides, I was going to use 2x1 battons and finish the felt around it, would it be better to use an edging product?
Does anyone have a recomedation for roofing felt?
Any feedback would be much appreeciate. Thanks James.