Hi all,
Firstly, thank you in advance for any help offered!
I am trying to install an extractor fan in the bathroom but am a little puzzled with the existing wiring and I’m hoping someone can offer some advise.
I’ve drawn up a quick sketch of the wiring as I see it. The live and neutral both come straight from the consumer unit into the light switch. The ring live then continues to the next fitting (same switch in this case) and the switches live goes to the light fitting.
Now in the wiring diagrams that I have seen this would happen in a junction box before the switch but no such junction exists.
Now I am confident I can wire up my exrractor fan so that it works but am not entirely sure whether it is an acceptable way of doing it. The second sketch to the right suggests how I believe I could accomplish this. Is this a safe and acceptable way of powering my extractor fan?
Thanks again for your help with this