by sparx »
Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:13 pm
Hi steve, NO! we have a crazy situation at the moment where technically the supply companies won't agree to us cutting seals, but it is ILLEGAL under HASAW act to work live.
There used to be a system where bona-fide contractors had temp. numbered seal & could replace them & notify supply authority who would change them for perm. ones later, but since now so many suppliers they won't agree to do so.
Only way I know at the moment is to cut seal, pull fuse, do job, refit fuse and tell the supplier that, 'there is a seal missing at....found during inspection'
Don't forget if you try to do it live and slip, electrocution is the least of the problems, PSCC in a typical installation will be around 2000Amps which will flow for as long as it takes to blow the company fuse, thats 460 kilo-watts!!!
Your rubber gloves won't stop your face being blown off!! & someones still got to get the fuse replaced....
Ask the NICEIC help line how they would expect you to proceed as they are checking your work,regards