Concrete Garage Replacement and Opinions and Brick Built and Timber Replacements
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Glen Dee
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:50 am

Concrete Garage Replacement and Opinions and Brick Built and Timber Replacements

by Glen Dee » Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:30 am

Hi. I have recently moved into a new house which has a very old concrete garage which leaks and has really bad condensation problems. It also takes up half of the space in the garden! I want to knock the garage down and replace it with a new one at the side of the house. My questions is what are the pros and cons of a brick built garage as opposed to a concrete or timber garage? I know a brick built one is most expensive (although I don't know how much it would cost as I've asked several builders for a quote but got no replies!) and is best in terms of durability and quality. Do modern concrete garages still suffer with condensation? if I decide not to have a garage, just store things in a shed would this decrease the value of my house? The house was marketed as having a garage even though it's next to useless. Any advice would be great. Thanks

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