Smelly Job Pointing a Leaking Septic Tank
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Smelly Job Pointing a Leaking Septic Tank

by PaulC1976 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:33 pm

Hi Folks, looking for a little advice please.
I have a brick septic tank (most above the ground). The side that's "wet" all the time has pointing which is unfortunately failing and leaking nasty water out through the brick.

I've decided to take this on - I've preciously pointed a gable end so am pretty comfortable with technique and will be reasonably quick. Just wanted someone to check my plan out to see if there are any obvious flaws please.

1. Get tank emptied
2. Grind out with diamond tipped blade
3. Use no water until work completed
4. Point the failing area

Couple of questions, what mix would people recommend please? Obviously I'd be using a waterproofer as well. Ideally I’d want it to go off as quickly as possible whilst still being effective.

Would the brick work need to be cleaned right off after grinding and before pointing? Time will be of the essence really so dont have many luxuries

Also how long would it take before you'd be confident about allowing the tank to fill?

Not looking forward to it is an understatement, but I cant really afford to get it wrong so if anyone could offer any help comments or suggestions it'd be much appreciated. If I could afford we'd just put a new tank in but that's not an option.


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