Shed base, possible flooding!
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Shed base, possible flooding!

by wonza » Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:43 am

Hi There,

I've just built a slab base for a shed we are buying, however because our garden is quite slanted we are worried that water will run down the garden and into the shed. This maybe made worse, because the back of the base is level with the ground, but the other end is underneith the rest of the garden.. We had to do that as it was the only way to make the base level.

Is there a way to prevent water running into the base?

I thought it maybe something like digging a hole in front of it and filling it with stones or something? to allow the water to drain into the ground before it reaches the shed. Would this work? and how exactly should I do it?

Many thanks for any help you could give!

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