Mountfield SP470 Mower Veering Left When Driven?
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Mountfield SP470 Mower Veering Left When Driven?

by Marky797 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:36 pm

Hi, I've got one of the above mowers [2005], but it's veering off left when driving. I've had new wheels fitted, but was wondering if I need to also replace the inner wheel covers as these are the things which attach to the actual chassis and seem to be like a 'wheel station'. They 'look' fine, no splits or obvious damage, but they're quite loose, & I can't tighten them any further. What would make them become so loose?

There's not much else to replace [apart from maybe wheel bushes but these are tight fitting anyway], so reaching the conclusion the inner wheel covers need to be replaced. Just wanted to gauge thoughts from others who might know before I commit to order a pair of new ones.

Many thanks in advance.

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