Weep Vents and Brick Air Vent Positions
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Weep Vents and Brick Air Vent Positions

by Run400 » Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:21 pm

So first, let me me say my knowledge in this area is extremely poor so apparently logins if my terminology is confusing but appreciate any advice you can give. We recently had work to knock down our conservatory and build a new brick room . This has now completed and we’ve just sent away the completion notice . However, as we have been getting more work to do some paving in our garden a few people doing quotes have noted the positioning of our weep vents and the brick air vents . So as per the picture attached , you will see the weep vents at the same level of the air vents. From speaking to those that came by it was noted this wasn’t right and could cause damp issues int he future . We have a raised timber roof so my understanding was the air keeps circulation there and shoodl be kept as dry as possible whereas the weep vent and flashing is there to keep any moistere created between the brick and timber wall (my very simple understanding that is ). As such if they’re at the same level this would enable moister to get in at the air vent level and this coood cause the timber under or floor to get damp after several years . Is this correct and shoood I be raising this ? I’d rather fail the final building completion stage and get it fixed properly than experience damp issues in years to come . Also, my understanding to fix is to lower the air vents . But from my reading we don’t want this to be too low and has to be at least 75mm above the ground so I’m not sure how to fix. The builder that did the room is coming out on Friday to sort a couple of other small snagging items so would like to ensure I’m more informed before I raise/insist on anything . Appreciate any advice

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