Options for Bricked up Window Eyesore
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Options for Bricked up Window Eyesore

by armster » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:48 pm


I've an issue with my house. the Previous owner converted the shower room in to an office and had a window put in. When she became elderly, they bricked this up and made it in to a shower room again. Where you stand in the shower would be right infront of a window if I replaced this (this room faces the street so the neighbours would see, not ideal)

The bricked up window is very visible and makes the front a bit of an eyesore. So my query is, what are my options?

I presume the most distructive would be knocking the bricks out and replacing them with bricks a closer match and have these keyed in better? I'm presuming this would still be noticable though...

Would staining the bricks be any better?

Rendering isnt really an option as no other houses have this on the street and the ones I've seen dont look great.

Thanks in Advance for any suggestions.

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Re: Options for Bricked up Window Eyesore

by KitchenGuy » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:47 pm

I have recently sorted this problem with a doorway for a customer. We actually did as you suggested. We looked around to find close matching bricks, knocked out the doorway plus a few bricks either side of it. Bricked it back up and mixed in some of the original bricks we removed from either side of the doorway. To complete the effect we raked out the joints of the whole section of wall and re-pointed it all in same mortar. Then deep cleaned the whole area. In fairness it turned out much better than I expected and you would have to be very sharp eyed to notice it even with close inspection. It was a good few days work but the customer was pleased as punch a this doorway had annoyed him for years.

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