How can I fit Kitchen Units Without Piercing or Compromising Damp Proof Membrane?
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How can I fit Kitchen Units Without Piercing or Compromising Damp Proof Membrane?

by D11 » Sun Dec 16, 2018 8:01 pm


I'm wondering how I will be able to fit kitchen units to a wall once the damp proof membrane has been fitted,-without compromising the damp proof barrier?

I've been told that if I fix tanalised battens to the membrane anything I fix to those battens must not exceed it's depth..then how does it work if I need to drill deeper holes to support the weight of a kitchen units?
I've heard about using silicon when driving skrews but not sure what building inspector will think of that.
I'm renovating a house at the moment and don't have a lot of DIY skills just learning as I go. I'm converting a cellar space into a kitchen so the whole space needs to be damp proofed which I've got my head around and do understand.

I can't really afford to lose much depth on the wall the kitchen units will be going as they will need to line up to the opening of where the French doors are going so the worktop space is narrow as it is.

I have to membrane all walls to comply to building regs, tanking slurry would be a nightmare to prep the walls.
I'd look at the mesh membrane to hard plaster to but don't think you can skrew into it without compromising the waterproofing.
Anyone know solutions to this please?

Whilst I'm asking can anyone tell me what the minimum depth I can get away with would be for battens and plasterboard.

Many Thanks


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