Fixing Shelves into a Badly Designed Storage Wardrobe
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Fixing Shelves into a Badly Designed Storage Wardrobe

by TPO » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:00 am

I hope someone can help. I’m trying to add storage to my badly designed built in storage wardrobe. I want to put two shelves in the side wall of the wardrobe, it’s plasterboard/dry wall, and the shleves go the length of the wall, however, upon trying to hammer in a wall plug, it’ll only go in halfway, there’s something hard behind the edge of the wall (side wall of wardrobe). I understand that this may be a stud and was wondering if I can drill into it a little? However, I’m concerned as this part of the wardrobe faces the bathroom. It works out to be the back wall end of the bath but not the tap end.

Could this be a pipe or can I safely drill half an inch to get the wall plug in? I don’t really want to have to buy a detecting machine just to put up two shelves.


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