by Woodcrafts_UK »
Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:46 pm
Saddle valves are designed to work on rigid copper pipe, not PEX plastice pipes. I am guessing it has punctured the pipe, enough for water to leak out when you loosen it but not actually put a proper hole into the pipe.
You could try turning off the water supply, removing the saddle valve and checking if it has cut a clean hole into the pipe. I doubt it, but if it has, it may be that the plastic offcut has jammed into the end of the saddle valve cutter, effectively blocking it. If that's the case, remove the blockage and refit the saddle valve, making sure it goes in exactly the same position.
If the saddle valve hasn't cut a neat hole, then you need to carefully drill a proper hole in the plastic pipe to match the diameter of the saddle valve cutter. Obviously take great care NOT to drill into the other side of the plastic pipe!!