Bad Smell Under Kitchen Possibly old Soil Pipe?
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Bad Smell Under Kitchen Possibly old Soil Pipe?

by badsimian » Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:04 pm

We have had bad smells for a couple of months now and have been attempting to investigate. It is very localised to one part of the kitchen coming from under the floor. The hard part is we have parquet flooring glued to the sub-floor with underfloor heating (don't ask, wish I had never bothered)

Anyway having removed a bit of floor under the island and managing to get a gap past a supporting wall to the area affected I have taken some pictures. I can see the old soil pipe cut off and what looks like a load of chewed plastic sheeting coming out of the top of it and there are lots of what look like rat droppings...

I would have thought the drain should have been capped off and removed from the old sewer but I am thinking that hasn't happened and rats have chewed their way up and through?

How does one normally block a drain off? Not looking forward to wrecking my kitchen floor :(

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