Brick Work up to Roof Line? for Rear Extension
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Brick Work up to Roof Line? for Rear Extension

by FarmerBarlimow » Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:31 pm

Hi, I wondered if I could get a bit of a consensus and opinion from experienced brickies or roofers? I've had a rear ground floor extension and it's close to completion. Previously the roof was finished, and the brick line where it met the flashing and tiles was a close, gradual slope from ridge down to eaves. The roof had to come off due to a catastrophic error in measurements, and the excess bricks were knocked out, timbers put back on and the rest of the flashing, tiles etc.
However the bricks on the exterior are now all... stepped... down instead of the bricks being cut to slope down. I assumed this was something still to be finished, but the builder has now left the stepped bricks going down along the roof line leaving gaps, but already started to put upvc flashing to finish off. I asked why put those on when the bricks are still showing gaps but was told the pointing would be between the upvc and tiles will seal it. Am I being told this because they just want to get the job finished and not have to cut more bricks and get the mixer out again? Will it have much impact if there are gaps in the brickwork as they step down in whole bricks down the slope? What should I tell them about what I expect if this is the case? I have before / after photos that explains easier what I'm trying to describe but don't know how to post them!! Any advice gratefully appreciated as I'm worried this flashing is just being put on quickly to cover up unfinished brickwork, and I currently don't know any better!

Hugh Schkok
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Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2019 8:37 am

Re: Brick Work up to Roof Line? for Rear Extension

by Hugh Schkok » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:53 pm

Oooooh! I love these people. Monkeys, rescued apes or whatever category they fall into. When bricks are 'stepped' that is known as corbelling and can be easily seen on Georgian, Edwardian homes and of that ilk. It is intended to be there because street space was at a premium and the upper floor needed more space than the ground floor could offer.

I despise it when someone pees on my shoes and tells me it is raining as has been clearly done to you. Before you allowed these comedians on to offer a quote for the work, you had to have had a clear description of what you required. Did you have that> Work outside of the defined task you had them quote on did you state that you wanted the wall to be corbelled? I doubt it very much. In you asked for a quote did you have written into it that the building be constructed based on modern standard and that any deviation must be agreed before they commence any work?

You have before you a very expensive and unwanted structure and I strongly advise you to write down all of the defects and their response to rectify them, if indeed they did. With that document transpose it into a structured document including lots of good quality pictures and a cost from a 'real' builder to rectify the bodged job (three quotes are always better). go get yourself a solicitor after you have offered the monkey troupe the opportunity to rectify the faults. Do get Billy the bar room Barrister it will cost you more than a real human. A good solicitor will end up costing you nothing as they claim all the costs back from the defendant.. Once in place, put on your best bib & tucker and call in and speak to him/her and do not forget and documentation, piccys and ask them as I ask mine t5o @nail their sorry butts to the wall after shaking all the money they owe you from their pockets, bank accounts, proceeds from his house sale … do not feel in any way you have winged him just whistle a jolly tune and leave him for the solicitors to feed on. When/if he makes it to the pub his 'mates' may ask him why he is wearing a sackcloth skirt and matching top and he will say I messed with someone's house. Their already protruding bottom lips will hit the floor and the one who can do joined up writing that he was reached at borstal will say something along the lines of "what dey no more than us bilders?".

Hope this helps and good luck. Remember quality evidence is always a great weapon in any court and writhe down anything as it happens so you have a clear dated and time stamped record and the Judge may give you a little wink and maybe whisper quietly to you "my flat tonight at 8:30. No pressure"

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