Toilet Move Suggestions and Connecting Waste to Existing Stack
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Toilet Move Suggestions and Connecting Waste to Existing Stack

by Snr78 » Fri May 24, 2019 11:00 pm

Hi all.

Would anyone be able to suggest the best way to connect a new toilet waste to the current stack on the left of the picture please?.

The old waste is above the floorboards but the new waste (when ive drilled it) will be below and come out where the yellow circle. However as you will see, to connect it to the current socket on the stack would mean it going uphill.

Ideally i need to keep the neighbours setup the same (she is council and we own ours).

Would dismantling the stack and adding a new socket in be the only way or could i cut into it. I just dont know whats best!

The second image shows a new toilet waste running alongaide and dropping down to connect with the downstairs toilet waste. Would that work? Itll look a bit of a pig i guess.

Cheers in advance

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