Cisterns leaks
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Cisterns leaks

by tierney861 » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:33 pm

I've fitted a new toliet with a double flush. When i flush, the cistern fills up ok but keeps leaking into the toilet it only stops when i push down the centre bit ( sorry dont know the term for this bit). The washer is on and i've tried to adjust the setting is there something else i can do please HELP!!! is very annoying!

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by john60wales » Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:31 pm

Hello there,
Most new close-coupled cisterns today have an inbuilt overflow - instead of the old overflow pipe through the wall! Excess water will flow into the toilet bowl
It sounds as though you need to adjust the water level in your new cistern! There should be some sort of adjuster screw that stops the water entering the cistern once it has got to a certain level.
If you find that you cannot adjust it - it may mean that this adjuster is faulty!
Hope this helps..

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by ksunsh01 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:15 am

I have the same problem but with the added complication that I don't know how to remove the cistern lid to look inside.
Previous systems (single flush) I've dealt with you just lift the lid off. Is there a special technique for double flush cisterns?

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by asp » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:08 pm


also similar problem, citern fills when flushed, but water leaks into the bowl. have tried adjusting the central bit, pulling up and down- no good. does the bottom rubber valve need replacing?? help

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Cistern leaks

by john60wales » Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:34 pm

Hello there,
If the cistern has a top button then you'll need to raise it slightly on one side, slide in your hand & unscrew the [usually plastic] nut holding the top button onto the cistern lid - & yes its fiddly but can be done! there should be a screw on top of the filling mechanism - this adjusts the amount of water into the cistern. Sometimes you have the luxury of being able to raise the lid a good 6" or more as there is a 'flexible wire' connecting the button to the flush mechanism!
If too much water comes in then it'll overflow into the toilet basin.
If there is no adjustment - then you will probably need to replace the filling mechanism!
I always silicone the mechanisms in [especially on 'bottom' fillers] - this helps prevent leaks!

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by lanciabrad » Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:56 pm

to get lid off-

the flush buttons, normally the big one will push down and you can lift out the small one and then the larger one and this should reviel a screw, undo this and lid should then be removable

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by rockallplumbingbmth » Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:25 pm

hi what you need to do is remove the dump valve usually you can twist and it comes away from the base exposing the flush valve washer just check that there is no grit slime or anything in the way of the washer sealing against the base then twist and click back into posistion.

if that fails flip the washer over but dont stretch it!!!!

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