Advice Needed on Renovating Living Room Area
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Advice Needed on Renovating Living Room Area

by Button15 » Wed Aug 14, 2019 9:34 pm

Hi all first post Be nice!

Bought our house 4 years ago, it’s liveable but there’s lots I want to do, but with 2 kids 2 & 4 it’s hard to find the time.

Ripped out the bathroom around 2 years ago, really happy with how that turned out!

Next project is where I need some advice, I’m starting on the living room in 4 weeks, currently 6.0m long 3.6m wide.

The plan is create a living room approx 3.6 x 3.6, a study approx 2.4 x 2.4 the rest of the space will be a mid landing.

I started ripping plasterboard off to get a head start on the stud walls, the 2 external walls were fine no issues, 1 external wall was fine, my first issue and questions are around the second internal wall which connects to our neighbour, there are 2 boards deep, im assuming fireboard and plasterboard.

As I plan to re wire as I go and I also need to move a rad my questions are:

1. If I rip down all board, do I need to replace both? Or can I just replace fireboard? As I will be skimming I’m assuming I could skim on top of either.

2 if I need to replace both are they staggered to improve strength?

My second set of questions are around the stud walls, when the plasterboard came off I’ve found that where I need to set the stud wall I’m not in line with any of the existing uprights and there are no noggins in the wall, there are also pipes running where I plan on putting one of the walls, my questions are:

1 will the new stud walls be strong enough with the base timber bolted to the concrete floor below and the top timber bolted to the ceiling joists, with uprights at 400mm centres? I want to avoid putting noggins in the wall if possible as it means I will have to unnecessarily re route some pipework to get noggins in.

I’m using 3”x2” c16 timber for the stud work, and I have 6”x1” to put noggins in the ceiling to fix the top timber of the stud wall to.

Hope that’s enough and not too much info.

Look forward to your replies.


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