Replacing Bedroom Floor in 1973 Park Home
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Replacing Bedroom Floor in 1973 Park Home

by Geoff1959 » Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:25 am

Good Morning,
I'm new to the forum and I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed on a project to replace the bedroom floor.
The room dimensions are 10'8'' x 9'6'' the original flooring is chipboard in 3/4'' x 9'6'' x 4'1'' sheets.
Due to a poor external repair prior to our purchase water has tracked into the the chipboard making it go spongy. We were unaware of this until the bed punched a whole through the floor. I know what you are all thinking but it was not like that!
The joists are 1''3/4 x 4'' across the width of the room. There are no longtitudanal joists or noggins. The centres of the joists are at 16'' centres. I am proposing to use 18mm Elliotis ply WBP. This comes in 1.22m x 2.4m sheets (4' x 8'). Due to a very narrow hallway i'm going to have to cut these in half to get them in the room.
So the questions that i have are these:-
1. Do I need to be using noggins on the unsupported board edges?
2. Where the boards go under the skirting (which i have left in place) do I need noggins there? Difficult to do and unlikely to have much foot fall?
3. If noggins are required what size? Is 1''3/4 x 2'' ok?
4. I looked at some "how to's" on here and i'm not sure which is best to use, noggins in line fixed by screws/nails at an angle from the side or staggered noggins screwed through the joists?
5. What size screws should i use?
6. On top covering the joists and the space in between is what looks like waxed paper/menbrane. I'm guessing water or damp prevention. Is this easy enough to get hold of? Where?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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