Cistern Overflow Pipe and Sewage Smells
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Cistern Overflow Pipe and Sewage Smells

by thomatkinson » Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:59 pm

Hi there,

There is a really strong sewage smell in our bathroom. It comes and goes but happens at least 2-3 times per week. In trying to trace its source, I’ve found I get a big blast of it when I remove the toilet cistern cover. It seems to come from the overflow pipe, which blasts cold, damp, sewage smelling air into the cistern. Following the overflow pipe out of the cistern, it seems to go directly into the internal soil pipe. I can’t see where it joins the soil pipe because it’s boxed in, but the cold air suggests there is no trap in the pipe. Also, there is some kind of valve set into the overflow pipe just below where it leaves the bottom of the cistern - a section of clear plastic pipe with something in it.

Firstly, is this a normal / ok set up?

Secondly, could the clear plastic valve be some kind of non return valve designed to stop air flowing back up from the soil pipe, but which is now broken and needs replacing?

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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