Ideal Boiler firing up every 10 seconds!
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Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:48 am

Ideal Boiler firing up every 10 seconds!

by Bart0810 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:00 am

Hi, I hope I haven't missed a posting that can help me with this. I did have a mooch around the site before posting. I have just moved house and the Ideal Gas boiler seemed fine. Over the last few days it is re-firing itself every 10 seconds. It is like it is having to work its socks off! I believe I can still get hot water (though to be safe I have now turned it off). Some of the radiators don't get warm and those closest to the hot water tank get luke warm and cold at the bottom. I have no idea what I am dealing with and a little reluctant to call someone out without knowing what I am talking about. I would be really grateful if someone could offer any advice. Many thanks. Angie