Immersion Heater not Working (Economy 7)
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Immersion Heater not Working (Economy 7)

by Existential » Sun Jan 19, 2020 2:22 pm

Hi all,

I suspect this may need to be something I get my landlord to sort out, but I thought I would get some information first. We have an electric immersion heater that started giving us some trouble before Christmas. It would sometimes fail to heat up overnight on the Economy 7 settings, but the boost always worked. I checked at the time and the reset button on the thermostat had tripped, so pushed it back in. This happened occasionally over the Christmas period, but not consistently, and the switch wasn't tripped at the distribution board.

However this week the overnight heating has stopped entirely, and the reset switch has not been tripped so I can't manually reset it. I've had a look and nothing seems off with the wiring etc, no burn marks around the wall socket, no tripped switches. The only things I can think of (I have no experience with immersion heaters, but I've been googling extensively today) is that either the thermostat has packed up entirely (without tripping the reset button) or the actual electical input into the heater for the economy 7 line is faulty (the boost works fine, as do our storage heaters).

Does that sound about right or is there something I'm missing? Also, is it possible for the reset button on the thermostat to become stuck and prevent it being manually reset? Any advice is appreciated! At least it means I can contact my landlord knowing I've done what I can first.

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