I have an AEG Lavatherm Protex Plus, which has stopped heating some time ago. I finally got round to looking into it, following a few Youtube videos to test the heater's thermostat. To my delite, there was no continuity across the single stat.
24 hours later the heater was replaced, with a like for like. Just to double check, before this went in, it did have continuity across the stat on the back. It worked for 20 minutes before what appeared to be it resetting itself with error E60. I turned it on again and it was back up and running, and heat was being produced.
I came down this morning to find error E60 and some wet clothes in the dryer. I took the back off again and tested the continuity to find it had again broken.
Some observations...
There was a very small amount of water around the seal where the heater connects to the dryer at the bottom (right side of the photo).
There was a lot of water sitting in the bottom below the white plastic cage.
Any suggestions on what to do next?