Enough Pressure for Rainshower?
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Enough Pressure for Rainshower?

by MattLG » Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:41 pm

We have a regular shower cubicle with a hand shower and bar, but we'd like to change it to a large rainshower type with 30-31cm head.

As we already have the flow and temperature control unit, ideally we'd just change the bar and head, but I'm not sure if that will work.

Our bathroom is on the middle floor (of 3 floors), the combi boiler is on the top floor. But I've taken the shower hose off and measured the flow and it was only 9 litres/minute, which seems really low to me. So I'm assuming the shower control has a restrictor reducing the pressure. Would that be right?

The pressure in our current normal shower seems fine though.

I've been looking around on the market but I can't see any shower control units with any pressure or flow rates provided, thinking I need to get one with a higher flow rate.

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Will I be OK just adding the new head and bar unit to the existing controller, or do I need to fork out for a complete combined shower set to ensure the pressure is fine?



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