Full DIY Renovation Work Order for Garden Refurb?
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Full DIY Renovation Work Order for Garden Refurb?

by nographics » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:40 pm

Hi All,

I've decided to take on a full renovation/landscaping project for a 42m2 back garden. I'm looking for advice on the order of work to allow for the best outcome.

The plan is to create a 15m2 paved patio area with the remainder of the area being laid with Artificial Grass. Alongside the ground/prep work I'll be looking to include a drainage channel (possibly 2) and a decorative brick border around paving and artificial grass areas.

Work planned includes:

1. Add Drainage Channel(s)
2. Add decorative brick border
3. Add Paving Area
4. Add Artificial Grass

Order above is the ordering that I think would be the right way to do it but would like some advice/validation as to whether this is correct or not...

Have already dug out the majority of the natural lawn (100mm depth), will be removing a path and smaller patio area this weekend and then compacting for sub-base layers. I plan on using a Limestone chip base due to Dog using the back garden from time to time.

My thoughts are cement drainage channels in place, followed by cement 200x100 brick border around paving and artificial grass areas.

I'm guessing I will need to increase the sub-base in both the paving area and artificial grass areas due to these having less height than the brick and drainage channels?

Cement in place the paving area and then finally lay the artificial grass.

Sub-base to include weed control and membrane etc.

Any advice much appreciated.


p.s. In terms of the paving area, is there any particular paving slabs that would be best for use with dogs? Sandstone or something that won't trap smells and acids etc? Thanks!

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