Questions on Landscaping and Retaining Walls
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Questions on Landscaping and Retaining Walls

by Leon_1984 » Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:57 am


New to the forum! Pretty competent DIY'er but taking on landscaping which I've never done before.

Got a new build house with a classic sloppy garden (about 3 different levels and all sloping different directions. My end plan is to make 3 flat levels, 2 of patio and one grass.

The first task is to level out the lower section down the side of the house, which slopes down towards the neighbours garage and up towards a fence.

My plan was to dig a trench, and build a retaining wall and fill between the wall and the fence behind it to support it. Any considerations I need to think about here? Clearly I am worried about the fence collapsing into my garden.

Where the wall meets the neighbours garage, my though was to run the wall a small distance off their garage so that I don't create any issues with moisture about their damp proofing level. Again, considerations about how far off it needs to be from the garage etc?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I will aim to get some pictures up to make it easier.

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