Groaning sound from kitchen tap in block of flats
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Groaning sound from kitchen tap in block of flats

by jtang » Tue May 26, 2020 6:14 pm

Hey folks,

I live in a block of flats and I've had my kitchen tap dripping for some time. Recently it tap or the pipe seems to groan at various situations:
[list=]I use the hot system of the kitchen tap without turning on the cold system
I use other taps in the flat and the cold system of the kitchen tap isn't on
The groan can also happen suddenly, and the solution has been to have the cold system slightly on[/list]

I have a monobloc tap, and it was only replaced maybe 5 years ago. Is it just about replacing the tap? Or should I get a plumber in to check it out? When it groans, I can feel the kitchen floor vibrate. If I have the cold system on, there is no other noise.


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