Drainage issues, patio flooding and wanting to lay new grass
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Drainage issues, patio flooding and wanting to lay new grass

by almack » Sat May 30, 2020 6:11 pm

Hi there.

Please refer to the images as it's quite difficult to explain.
We essentially want to lay grass over the soil, to extend the grass area and to meet the patio which will have some sort of wooden flower box in the small retangular area and a sleeper between this and the grass. Above the soil was a large shrub area that the previous owner maintained however it wasn't for us to we ripped it all out.
Unfortunately, the patio floods when ever it rains. Below the patio is clay. We dug a 3 foot hole in the soil and unfortunately was welcomed with clay once again, so the soakaway idea is a no go. (We thought about putting the soakaway at the very end of the garden however this area also floods but not extensively. So we assume the whole garden is built on clay. Wonderful!)
In terms of drainage, we are stuck. The nearest drain is on a higher level to the left the patio doors. Any ideas on the best materials to lay to avoid heavy flooding?
We don't really want to go down the route of causing further damage to the patio in order to fit a proper drainage system as we can't afford it. However, most likely coming to terms that this will probably be in the only solution! Any help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S the broom over the hole was to stop the dog trying to jump in the hole...wasn't effective.
This image shows the retangular area we would like to put a flower box (please note, directly under the slabs is clay. Not sure what to fill this retangular area for the wooden box to sit on)
This image shows the retangular area we would like to put a flower box (please note, directly under the slabs is clay. Not sure what to fill this retangular area for the wooden box to sit on)
20200530_173509 (1).jpg (16.12 KiB) Viewed 2507 times
The nearest drain is not in this picture but to the left on a higher level
The nearest drain is not in this picture but to the left on a higher level

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