by stoneyboy »
Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:25 pm
Hi chickenbrain2009
Really sorry to hear that you've been had, sadly there's a lot of it going on especially with older people.
It's not really going to make any difference whether you point the slabs now or in the spring. If you decide to have a go yourself you will need a bag of sharp sand, a small bag of cement, a trowel (small enough for you to use), a bucket to mix in and a pointing tool (a round stick about 3/4" diameter will do). Mix your mortar dry 4 of sand to 1 of cement, add water until you get a mix that only just sticks together, then force this down into the gaps with the edge of the trowel until you cannot get any more in. Finish off with the round stick brush away excess into next gap over. Only attempt this in dry weather - good luck.
Regards S