by rosco1965 »
Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:03 pm
- 20201111_175924__1605135280_31.49.250.139.jpg (16.1 KiB) Viewed 2321 times
Hi there wonder if any of you guys can advise
I am changing all the electrical/phone sockets in my house for brushed steel. I am now on to the phone sockets when i removed the master it has 6 wires connected and in connections two and five it has a double. The new faceplate is one with screwed connections so it it just a matter of putting those 6 wires(+ 2 extra i presume an extension) in the corresponding connection on the new unit. Also i presume i dont need a push tool or need to bare any wires ? Or do i just need to do two and five ?
- 20201111_175918__1605135419_31.49.250.139.jpg (16.08 KiB) Viewed 2321 times