Read the previous posting with regards centering the wall on a garden wall foundation. My question is related but concerns foundations for a house.
I currently have a contractor building a large extension at the back of the house. He dug what seemed to me to be extremely solid foundations onto good rock (chalk). However, when he started laying the brick work, the outer layer is very close to the edge of the concrete. The foundations aren't really strip, but vary between about 900mm and 500mm in thickness (the site slopes a bit). Their width is 600mm. On one retaining wall he has laid blocks within 6cm of the edge of the foundations. This wall will be about 5m high (the bottom courses are heavy aggregate (?) slabs laid flat, above the DPC I believe he will be using lighter blockwork. (NB This wall probably has foundations at the thinner end of the range).
I have read that for strip foundations the walls should be centered. However, does this apply when the foundations are very thick?
I have tried to find resources on the web to read up on this without success. Any advice on a useful reference?
Any insight would be appreciated.