I just moved to an apartment that has a water tank with an immersion heater.
If you're not familiar with how it works, basically there are 2 heating elements inside a water tank; one is connected to a live wire (240VAC) and the other is connected to another live wire (also 240VAC), with the difference the latter is only turned on from 11pm-8am to use the night-saver tariff.
I'm trying to automate the way those switches work, since I'm not happy with the current setup. I'm replacing them by smart switches (that can handle 3kW); the issue is that I don't want to allow both heating elements to ever be on at the same time.
Since I don't fully trust smart switches (maybe it got the "on" command, but misses the "off"; or there is a bug) I would like to hardwire a safe guard.
I'd be ok with a fuse blowing up (and stopping both) in case this happens, since it would be a good alert that something very wrong is going on. But alternatively it would be fine if one of them just gets disconnected if this happens.
Any ideas how I can do it using only 1-way smart switches?