Fixing capped ridge tiles
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Fixing capped ridge tiles

by Grust » Tue Jan 26, 2021 5:01 pm

My understanding of BS5534:2014 is that ALL ridge tiles on anything other than certain historic buildings must have mechanical fixings. I have spoken to three roofers recently: one says it's not true; another says that it's not necessary if I have capped (collared) tiles because they are so heavy; and the third hadn't heard of the update to BS5534 that specified it.

For some years I've had the unnerving experience of pieces of decayed mortar sliding down the roof from the ridge and crashing into the garden below. I now want to fix the problem. I'm in a fairly windy location and I would like the capped (collared) clay tiles for extra protection and because there is no exposed mortar. However, I really want them to be fixed firmly in place by more than just the mortar beneath them. Why are the manufacturers still turning out these tiles without fixing holes? Without the screw holes, how can they be mechanically fixed?

Can anyone advise please? Thanks.

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