rain flooding
Drainage pipes, concrete, footings and foundations. Post your questions and find answers here

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Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:45 pm

rain flooding

by kaimich@hotmail.co.uk » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:04 pm

I have a villa in spain which has an underbuild, when the winter comes and we have loads of rain the water comes up from under the earth and our underbuild floods. I know we can put pumps in the ground but like spain when it rains hard our electric goes off so therefore our pumps will not work and hence we have a flood. It would be nice not just for me but a lot of people who live where I do if there is an engineer out there who could tell us his view on how to go about stopping this happening other than having pumps in the ground, surely in this day and age there must be a solution and we appreciate it would cost money in doing this. Its very hard here getting information so I and many of us here would appreciate some info and your advice. God help us all if we get a Gota fria (apparently that is when it pours non stop for about a 4 days) If there is anyone out there you could also send me an e-mail just incase I loose this Q&A. Thank you

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