I currently have a double socket in my garage which is fed direct from the main consumer unit via an armoured 2.5mm cable. The socket then feeds into a fused spur to reduce the 2.5mm cable to 1.5mm cable to feed the garage light.
I am looking to add another double socket in the garage so intend to install a 13A fused spur prior to the existing first socket in the garage as all subsequent sockets will be protected by this fused spur.
My question is...since I will now have a 13A fused spur prior to the first double socket will I still need a second fused spur to reduce the 2.5mm cable to 1.5mm cable to feed my garage light?
Am I correct in concluding I will not need a second fused spur as the 1.5mm cable will be protected by the first 13A fused spur which protects the first socket?