HI, I have some small round LED lights in a plinth around part of the kitchen, there are 3 sets of these lights, the Middle set has three lights and those on either side are sets of two. They were all working fine till two days ago, when the middle set of three started flashing, the sets on either side are working fine.
I have lowered the wiring from above the plinth, there appears to be a mains cable going into a Down Voltage Converter with a 240v input and a 12VDC output. a wire comes out of the 12VDC end to what looks like a junction box, which the wires feeding the three lights are plugged into it. However this junction box has a circuit board inside ? My thoughts only, I was wondering if this was some sort of starter motor (like the used to have on the old fluorescent lights) if it is and its gone wrong, I have no idea whats its called and where to get one from.
Your guidance and advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated .
William Scott