by sparx »
Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:29 pm
Hi DV I think I answered this one already on diff. heading but if not then:
All grn/yel earths go together to fittings earth term, or if fitting is dbl insulated to a spare term block.
the cable with the double brown cores is your switch line to light fittings Live term. [it doesn't matter which core you use].
the blues all go together to the lights Blue[Neutral] term. the remaining brns go together in the spare term.
there is a drawing of this on Doc's forum 'projects-connecting a light'.
briefly if there are 3 tw/E cables one brn/blu will be supply L+N in, one brn/blu will be L+N out to next light & Brn/brn will be Live to sw, & sw Live back to light, so the 3 brns just loop to each other but don't go to the light. hope that helps a bit, regards SPARX