Sound proofing external facing stud wall behind a garage door
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Sound proofing external facing stud wall behind a garage door

by bleicker » Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:15 am

Hey guys, I'm building a stud wall behind my garage door (metal door) to use as a recording space and I'm wondering about the best materials to use to create a good sound barrier with good thermal performance too. I was thinking about using 4x2 to make the frame and on the side facing the garage door cover it with some high density material. I'm not sure if that could be OSB as it seems to be more resistant to humidity as well. Inside the wall I'm planning to add 90mm PIR insulation, and then on the inside 1 layer 15mm acoustic plasterboard with a layer of tecsound and then another 15mm layer pf acoustic plasterboard.

I'f anyone has any other suggestions about different materials I could use it would be great.

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